Massive and Open

ISTE’s Learning and Leading with Technology (L&L) just published an article I wrote about MOOCs.

This article was a step in the progression of some thinking I’ve been doing about deeper professional learning. (Stay tuned for more on that.)

As is often the case with print publications, there were several months between the writing of this article and its publication, and a lot has happened since then! In particular, there are two new MOOCs that are particularly well suited to K-12 professional learning.

The first is #ETMOOC from Alec Couros and a host of others. This course covers a wide array of topics in educational technology and media.

The second is Learning Creative Learning (#medialabcourse) from MIT Media Lab and P2PU. This is a course for designers, technologists, and educators interested in creative learning. It includes a fairly traditional program of webinars and readings, along with experiments via the mechanical mooc and G+ communities. (We also have a P2PU group for this going here.)

Best of all, these two MOOCs are both OPEN (in a variety of senses, including open licensed) and CONNECTIVIST.

It’s not too late to jump in and start learning with either of these MOOCs.

Stay tuned for more interesting MOOCs for K-12 professional learning!


Image credits:

Massive and open image: Image reprinted from Learning and Leading with Technology (L&L) vol. 40, no. 6, copyright 2013, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 1.800.336.5191 (US and Canada) or 1.541.302.3777 (Intl.),, All rights reserved.

ETMOOC image: Courtesy of #ETMOOC community

LCL image: Courtesy of Learning Creative Learning, MIT Media Lab, and P2PU

Open Ed Week-Day #4

Today’s nugget of Open Education Week goodness — connections between the open movement and the maker movement!

Open content is all about remixing, and that’s making. And there are so many great tools and communities for making with openness: Scratch, DS106, P2PU, Mozilla’s webmaker tools, and more.

Today at 8:00am Pacific, there will be an Open Education Week webinar about CrispyScience and their initiative to develop educational computer interacting toys using MakeyMakey and Scratch.

I’ll be there. Will you?