I love open online communities. I mean, I really love them. More and more, I find value in the conversations and sharing in these communities, much more so than in other content resources. This is the way learning should be.
MOOCs: the platform question
In doing some thinking about planning and setting up connectivist MOOCs, the first question that often comes up is “What platform should we use?” To answer that question, like many other design questions, one should first think about the goals
Reflecting on sharing
I’ve been thinking a lot about community and sharing – online and f2f — what makes it work well for me and what the challenges can be. This was brought to the forefront yesterday when I wrote something as a
Part 2-Social learning
The strongest participation by far in all of the P2PU School of Ed courses is happening in the discussions. (Fortuitous that we chose this logo graphic, huh? :) There are lots of posts, comments, questions back and forth, etc. Clearly,
Tweet stream from ISTE on OER
I had a great time at ISTE in Philly this year, spreading the word about OER and K-12. The enthusiasm was overwhelming. Below is a part of the tweet stream. Thanks to everyone for coming and for helping get the