On Sat. May 19 at 1:oo pm Eastern, I’m going to be doing a free online workshop on “Remixing Open Educational Resources for Your Classroom” (webinar link here) as a part of the Virtual 4T Conference. CEUs are available for
Open-licensed multimedia
Here’s a short presentation on some of the best sources for open-licensed clip art, photos, sound effects, music, and video that I did for our P2PU course on OER in the classroom. [iframe: src=”http://player.vimeo.com/video/31256209?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0″ width=”400″ height=”265″ frameborder=”0″ webkitAllowFullScreen allowFullScreen]
Free, open early literacy passages
FreeReading is a great site for all kinds of early literacy resources. One of my favorite parts is the decodable reading passages. Unfortunately, to date, these have only been available as pdf files. Pdfs are good for printing, but not
New open, sharable media sets
A little over a year ago, I had an idea to create pre-packaged sets of open-licensed photos, diagrams, maps, audio, video, etc., organized around themes that could be used by teachers or students in word-processed documents or presentations or used
About the Open Dictionary
A very short video about the Kids Open Dictionary…a very significant part of my life and a definite labor of love! Hope you’ll check it out and join us. (This video was also my final project for my P2PU marketing