I’m re-experiencing the excitement of the first week in P2pU courses! Introductions, goal-setting, comments, and posts flying around so fast it’s impossible to keep up. It’s really awesome. Because I know the time will go by quickly, I want to
Readings on innovation in PD + peer learning
I am in the process of reading and compiling some research related to peer learning and staff development for teachers. A bibliography is below, and here are a few quotes that exemplify to me what the P2PU School of Ed
Formal ed vs DIY – Part 4, Seat Time
(This is a part of a series on the differences and similarities between formal and informal adult learning.) I know you’ve all been waiting for this one. ;) This is a conundrum online courses have puzzled over for a long
Formal ed vs DIY – Part 3, The Syllabus
(This is a part of a series on the differences and similarities between formal and informal adult learning.) Traditional university courses have a syllabus. They are set at the beginning of the course (without any input from students, in my
Formal Ed vs DIY – Part 1, A Culture Clash?
This is the first in a series of posts about the differences and similarities of formal adult learning, especially through institutions of higher ed and ones that issue some kind of formal credit, and informal DIY adult learning. P2PU is