I’m involved in two MOOCs right now: the Spanish MOOC and the Learning Creative Learning MOOC. The purpose of this post is to offer some observations about each of these, particularly as it relates to my previous post on the
The evolution of the P2PU School of Ed
It’s hard to believe that it’s been two years since the idea for the P2PU School of Ed entered my mind. We’ve accomplished a lot in that time (roughly 35 courses/groups, lots of learning, great connections and conversations with both
New at the P2PU School of Ed
Paul Allison through the NYC Writing Project‘s Youth Voices project has structured a learning game around a series of challenges for ELA, history/social studies, arts and media, and science. These challenges are tied to Common Core standards and competencies including
Coming soon to the P2PU School of Ed
We are gearing up for an exciting summer at the P2PU School of Ed. (In case you’ve missed it, this initiative is all about free, open, peer-centered professional development for K-12 teachers). Here is what we are planning for June
Analytics may not be the right measure
David Bornstein’s excellent book How to Change the World, which is about social entrepreneurs, the citizen sector, and the work of the Ashoka Foundation, concludes with a very interesting discussion of the use of metrics and analytics to value social