As many of you know, I’ve spent much of this year working on a project to explore the adoption and implementation of K-12 core instructional materials and to explore business models for the successful and sustainable publishing of such open
Thinking about OER as core curriculum
As I’ve mentioned, I’m in the midst of a series of interviews with states and districts to explore how they adopt core curriculum and what factors might be especially relevant to those looking to have OER adopted as core curriculum.
Sharing your photos openly
One of the greatest things about the world of open is how much people are willing to share and what amazing things happen when they do. In my experience, the benefits are just as much for those who opt to
Values and my work: part 2/platforms
As you probably know, I am a big believer in “open.” I also support maximizing inclusiveness and equity. That combination has caused me numerous headaches in terms of platform decisions for online communities as well as with other tools. Over
Open business models, part 2: a price
My main premise for an assortment of forthcoming business models is to position OER core curriculum product package as having a greatly reduced cost as opposed to being “free” and to use the proceeds to fund the work needed to