The Kids Open Dictionary has been a project of love (self-funded) that I and others have worked on for the last 6 years. This year, we accomplished some big milestones. Perhaps the most significant to me is that we defined
Mobile flashcards from the Open Dictionary
The Kids Open Dictionary now has an option to create mobile flashcards using gWhiz. This free app supports the iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, BlackBerry, Android, and more. To make your flashcards: (Before doing this, you need a Google Docs account
Amazing Stories of Openness
Check out CogDog’s totally awesome Amazing Stories of Openness! These will be shared with a group of educators in British Colombia as a part of ETUG.
Amazing Stories of Openness
So Alan Levine, aka CogDog, is doing his “Amazing Stories of Openness” thing again, and this year I finally got it together to do a couple short videos (great way to pass an hour while waiting for a conference session
About the Open Dictionary
A very short video about the Kids Open Dictionary…a very significant part of my life and a definite labor of love! Hope you’ll check it out and join us. (This video was also my final project for my P2PU marketing