I’m working on another MOOC, this one focused on deeper learning, and it is prompting me to think a lot about what deeper learning means to me. (As background, the Deeper Learning MOOC or DLMOOC is a free, flexible, nine-week
Online maker space – An open invitation
I’ve been toying with the idea of an online maker space for a while. Now, thanks to a Shuttleworth Foundation Flash Grant, I am going to be able to dedicate some time to this. I’m looking for a few schools
New at the P2PU School of Ed
Paul Allison through the NYC Writing Project‘s Youth Voices project has structured a learning game around a series of challenges for ELA, history/social studies, arts and media, and science. These challenges are tied to Common Core standards and competencies including
Formal ed vs DIY – Part 5, Assessment/Grading
(This is a part of a series on the differences and similarities between formal and informal adult learning.) As far as I know, no P2PU course has a grading policy. To my mind, it would be somewhat antithetical to give
P2PU School of Ed
The P2PU School of Ed (pilot) — formerly, briefly known as PD on P2PU — is now up! This school is about hands-on learning driven by each educator’s particular needs and classroom situations. It’s about connecting, collaborating, and creating, not