Paul Allison through the NYC Writing Project‘s Youth Voices project has structured a learning game around a series of challenges for ELA, history/social studies, arts and media, and science. These challenges are tied to Common Core standards and competencies including
Your Path to Math
So I’ve got the Moodle 2 site set up for the math textbook remix project I’m doing as a part of two P2PU courses. I took a look at the Common Core standards for math as they related to fractions.
Content mastery as a part of “deeper learning”
It is an interesting time in education. There is near unanimity that the current focus of learning in K-12, with instruction largely being driven by assessments that do not reflect meaningful learning goals, is not productive. We are teaching to
Tags for Common Core stds.
A variety of people are working on tagging content for the new Common Core standards, and I have been asked by several if there were any suggested tags in place for this (a controlled vocabulary). Having looked and asked around
Tags for new Common Core standards
With several different groups (districts, states, publishers, etc.) working on tagging content assets — especially open ones — for the new Common Core standards, a group of us thought it might be useful to have a standard (no pun intended)