Over the last year, I’ve learned a lot about MOOCs, both as a participant and as a facilitator, in all cases as a learner. Much like my learning curve with Twitter, I dove deep and went from “meh” to “wow.”
Make/Hack/Play Together
If you or someone you know missed #clmooc and are looking for a short, fun maker mini-course, consider Make/Hack/Play Together. I’ll be facilitating this 3-week mini-course that starts on Nov. 4. It’s free, you can earn a HP Catalyst Academy
MOOCs: the platform question
In doing some thinking about planning and setting up connectivist MOOCs, the first question that often comes up is “What platform should we use?” To answer that question, like many other design questions, one should first think about the goals
Kids’ Maker Day
(cross-posted from Mobile Musings) Inspired by the #maker movement, #clmooc, and others, I put together a local kids’ maker day this weekend. making puppets and jewelry This was a part of our local Heritage Days event, for which I’ve been
Reclaiming the MOOC name
I have heard a lot of poo-pooing of MOOCs. A lot of “we-are-not-going-to-get-on-this-bandwagon” talk. A lot of “we don’t want no stinking MOOCs.” I can only assume that what people are reacting to is the new breed of xMOOCs from