For a couple years now, I’ve been puzzling over the intersections between Open Educational Resources (OER) and open learning. While they have much in common, they clearly aren’t the same thing. OER are “teaching, learning, and research resources that reside
Reflecting on my year of open – part 3/OER and districts
This year, I have reflected a lot on the way that districts adopt curriculum and what this means for OER. First, some background… The curriculum adoption and purchase decision in K-12 schools is a complicated process. There are many players
Reflecting on my year of open – part 2/K-12 OER COP
This year, with support from the Hewlett Foundation, we launched the K-12 OER Community of Practice (COP). This project grew out of my years of doing OER advocacy work in K-12 and my thought that it was time to take
Reflecting on my year of open – part 1
One of the nice things about doing some organized work on OER and open learning (including some with support from the Hewlett Foundation) is that it prompts me do reflect on my own work and thoughts regularly. As this year
Demand, district adoption, and silver bullets
A few us have been pondering the question “How can we best advance the adoption of OER in K-12?” both online in this document and f2f at the Open Ed 14 conference. As I’ve thought about this, a few conclusions