What fun to see Mario Mattioli enrolled in the Open Ed course. I used some of Mario’s music on a couple of my podcasts about open content. Thanks, Mario! You do great work.
New blogroll
OK, I’ve got the blogroll for the Open Ed course working from a Google Reader public page now. (See right column below.) Something isn’t right with the ordering; not sure if it has to do with international dates or weird
Dynamic blogroll
I’m working on a way to have a dynamic blogroll to show all the current posts of other participants in the Oped Ed course. See the right side of this page for the current implementation of this using Feevy. What
Summer reading
Well, it’s almost the end of the summer. I can’t believe it went so fast, but I did read some great books. Here’s a quick list of the ones I’d recommend: Wikinomics – This is a great book about the
File formats
I hope that as people are posting open content resources, they think about file formats and making the materials accessible to as many people, platforms, and devices as possible. Wikimedia Commons has done a good job of this, using open