In reading Dr. Wiley’s testimony to the Secretary of Education’s Commission on the Future of Higher Education – Panel on Innovative Teaching and Learning Strategies, I was reminded by how many different things “educational technology” can mean. In an earlier
OpenEd-Is education a “basic human right”? – Part 3
I found Primer No. 2 by Dr. Katarina Tomaševski to be helpful in illuminating the gap between “should” and “is.” I think this gap is part of what I am struggling with in the question for this week. If you
OpenEd-Is education a “basic human right”? – Part 2
The first reading by K. Tomaševski has been thought-provoking for me. I am surprised how much I am struggling with the answer to the question “Is education a ‘basic human right’?” My initial response was yes, of course, but the
New OER search tool
ccLearn is working with the Hewlett Foundation and Google to create a new “open education web-scale search.” This should offer much wider access to all the great open resources already out there. Hopefully, it will also increase awareness so that
OpenEd-Is education a “basic human right”? – Part 1
So for the next 10 weeks or so, this blog will mostly be devoted to coursework for the Open Ed course. For week 1, here is the question we’re contemplating: QUESTIONS: In your opinion, is the “right to education” a