A few minutes ago, I heard a comment at a session at the OpenEd conference about content providers’ push vs. learners’ pull. Oh…learners. I’d almost forgotten about them. With a few exceptions, I have not heard a lot of discussion
Technology as a native or non-native species
I went to an interesting session at the COSL 2007 Open Ed conference today by Christopher Hoadley from Penn State. One of his ways of looking at technology use was how its’ instructional use fits into the local learning and
Flickr photos, model releases, and commerical use
There has been a lot of discussion in the blogosphere this week about the use of a Flickr image posted under a Creative Commons license in a Virgin Australia advertisement. (The parents of the child in the photo, who had
Recent readings in the Open Ed course all discussed metadata and its importance to the usability of OER. The OECD report pointed about some of the challenges: “Adding metadata to a resource is time-consuming and faces the same problem software
OpenEd-Sustainability and business models
In the Week 4 readings for the Open Ed course, there was much discussion of sustainability and business models. Each report discussed these issues and concluded that they are “tricky.” :) These are critical points though, particularly as many of