Two of the best things about the OpenEd course I’ve been blogging about are the conversations among the brilliant and diverse participants and the reading list for the course. In addition to supplemental readings on a variety of issues critical
A licensing compromise
For those who want to use open licenses but have concerns about giving others commercial rights, one option to consider is specifying a more restrictive license (e.g. CC-NC) for a limited time (e.g. 5 years) after which the license will
Open Ed-Week 7-Licensing issues
QUESTIONS: Can you think of license options that CC is currently missing that would benefit the open education movement? As the CC and GFDL licenses are incompatible, how can OCW content be legally remixed with Wikipedia content? Some people claim
Open Simple Dictionary
I’m starting a new project to collaboratively produce a simple kids dictionary. If anyone has seen anything similar or has experience with any public domain dictionaries or other info that might be useful (or if you’re interested in participating in
What is “open”?
There are a lot of discussions going on in the OER community about what should be considered “open.” This starts with licensing issues with many considering the no derivatives or non-commercial licenses being too restrictive. In addition, there are format