This is a good article on OER in education. It is interesting in that it ties into several of the books on the Open Ed reading list.
Kids simple dictionary…not as simple as I thought
I’ve been doing some work on the idea of creating a free open kids simple dictionary. Two questions that have been central are: What open dictionary would be best to use as a starting point? How could this be hosted
Proposed blogging law in Italy
A proposed law in Italy would require that all bloggers register with a national database. This is scary. Governments all over the world appear to be hugely out of touch with modern technologies and their uses.
OpenEd-Week 9-Part 2
More on Larry Lessig’s book Code v2….this time on a couple ideas from the book that I have a hard time agreeing with. I agree with many of Lessig’s points. In particular, he is a staunch defender of fair use
Open Ed-Week 8-Sustainability
QUESTIONS: How can you build a sustainable business around giving away educational materials? How can you build a sustainable business model around giving away credentialed degrees? Should governments fund open education? (Do they already?) I’m going to take a different