In order to help spread the word about the benefits of OER and the wealth of resources available (as well as to try to increase the size of the contributing community), I’ve put together a short overview of Open Ed
New OER course on CNX
Here’s a new course on the in’s and out’s of OER put together by OER Commons and hosted on Connexions.
One of the most exciting OERs I’ve seen was recently launched: This resource from the well-respected Wireless Generation (a for-profit company) is a collection of resources for early literacy skills development licensed under CC BY SA license. The reasons
OpenEd-Week 11-Learning Objects Part 2
The one part of the readings on learning objects that resonated with me was the talk of the “engineer invasion” of standards, metadata, taxonomies, systems, etc. The bottom line is that there is too much focus on structure, technology, and
OpenEd-Week 11-Learning Objects Part 1
QUESTIONS: Some people believe that open educational resources “fix” many of the problems experienced by those who work with learning objects. Why do you think they would say this? Do you agree? Why or why not? After doing the reading