Wes Fryer recorded and posted a podcast of my presentation “Free Content + Open Tools + Mass Collaboration = Learning for All” at NCCE in Seattle last week. Thanks, Wes. I’ll be presenting this again soon at CUE in Palm
Licensing discussion and the whole libre thing
I participated in a group conversation today about Open Ed (part 1 and part 2). It was interesting. The first part of the conversation was really about copyright education, not open ed. When the conversation finally got around to open
Open Ed Hands On Activities
As a part of my interest in building awareness for OER in the K-12 community, I’ve been doing presentations at various ed tech conferences. I have been very happy with how enthusiastic the audiences have been about this topic. (Most
Group collaboration on curriulum
Curriki has a new group feature that I’ve been playing with at a few Open Ed workshops I’ve been doing. If you’d like to see it, visit the K-8 Math Collaborative Project I set up. After you join the group,
K-12 Open Content CD
K-12 schools have some unique circumstances that can make using OERs a challenge. Among these are concerns about inappropriate content (prompting the need for a pre-screened “frozen” version of materials) and extensive filtering and blocking systems that make accessing some