I am working on creating some sight word videos from the word lists at FreeReading. (If you haven’t seen this site, it is a phenomenal resources for early literacy.)Before I crank out more of these, I’m looking for input from
Quotes about OER
I finally got around to redoing the home page for this site, and in doing so, I put together this gif of quotes I think express what OER is all about. (You may need to wait a second or so
Kids dictionary update
For those of you interested in the progress on the open kids dictionary project, we are moving ahead, and so I thought I’d give you a quick update: Starting point — After reviewing many open dictionary sources out there, we
Free speech includes the right to be anonymous
Alec Couros at Open Thinking & Digital Pedagogy made me aware of some scary legislation being proposed that would make anonymous posts to the Internet illegal. It seems to me that the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech implicitly guarantees
April is poetry month
April is poetry month and to celebrate, here are some open resources for poetry: Librivox poetry recordings Spoken Alexandria poetry Project Gutenberg poetry Poetry in Wikibooks Quotes about poetry from Wikiquote MIT courses on poetry Poetry ebooks for K-12 from