I am facilitating a series of hands-on workshops to help educators to learn about the value of OER. What topics do you think are most important to spread this movement? Licensing issues? Available resources? Wiki editing skills? Open source tools?
Kids dictionary goes beta!
We’ve released the beta of the kids dictionary builder. Yay! The tool is a sort of combined database and wiki, with functionality to “freeze” final definitions at some point and output the actual dictionary in a variety of formats (ebook,
Kids and copyright preso
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My most exciting classroom experience this year – Kids, copyright, and open content
[This is cross-posted from Mobile Musings. I don’t usually cross-post, but I think this is one of my most important posts and learning experiences of the year. I hope every classroom teacher who reads this will incorporate some of this
Looking for open ed stories
A group at COSL and WikiEducator is working on an OER Handbook for educators. As a part of that, we are looking for stories from educators or learners who have used or created open educational resources. If you or anyone