COSN has published a new report that includes a chapter called “Creative Commons and Open Content: What K-12 Schools Need to Know.” It’ s a good concise discussion of the relevant issues.
It is an awesome world… or How Web 2.0 Came Through for Me
I had a weird experience today. I was at NECC, sitting at the back of a big room waiting for a session to start. It was on open content, something I am very passionate about and am always looking for
How much food has changed
In working on the kids open dictionary, I expected to find out a lot of interesting things. (This is one of the things I love about working in education.) Here’s one that came up today. Our eating habits have changed
Dictionary goes live — come play!
The Kids Open Dictionary builder is now live! Please try it out and enter a word or two. Whatever you do doesn’t have to be perfect; others will jump in and refine as we go. In case you missed it,
License info for images – metadata
I’ve been thinking a lot about how to record information about an image’s license, attribution, etc. In the past, I have used not-very-efficient techniques such as recording this info separately in a text file and sometimes trying to include it