I have been thinking about potential business models for OER core curriculum, in light of the fact that such curriculum is costly both to develop and to sell, implement, and maintain, and, as discussed, elsewhere there really is no “free.”
Selling core curriculum
I’ve been thinking a lot about how K-12 districts adopt core math or ELA curricula and how this relates to OER. In this context, I’m not thinking about the product itself (though I may write separately about that), but more
Positioning “open” – Where the rubber meets the road
All of my thoughts on positioning OER core curriculum in the K-12 market may be well and good, but what really matters is what actual customers think. Toward that end, I am going to be interviewing some district sups and
Positioning “open” – digital/blended
Many of us believe that technology, appropriately used, can greatly enhance learning. Schools have spent billions on equipping themselves with infrastructure including connectivity, devices, and staff expertise to realize the potential. And while most schools have not yet made the
Positioning “open” – The 5 R’s
Among of the most lauded benefits of OER are the 5 R’s — reuse, revise, remix, redistribute, and retain. The ability of educators and students to continually update, improve, and iterate on their learning materials is the basis for rich