I have long ranted about the massive amount of money that is spent in K-12 for textbooks that are ineffective. In the many of the most engaging classrooms I visit, those textbooks are on a shelf in the back of
Open Ed in Portland
I was very gratified to have about 200 people attend my session on Open Ed at NCCE in Portland, OR. Clearly, there is a lot of interest in this important area. As often the case at ed tech conferences, I
I hate “royalty free” or “Free” is not open (redux)
I hate the words “royalty free.” Most sites who advertise this way are not free at all. Despite this, droves of people flock to them to get clip art, photos, and music. The hard-to-discover ways these sites make money range
We are making progress!
The open dictionary has reached a milestone of having 15% of its words defined. One thing that has helped move it along is the glossary builder, which many people have expressed an interest in. Research demonstrates that explicit instruction in
How long will it take for formal educational institutions to be outmoded?
This is an interesting article about a group putting together social networking with open courseware to “global, tuition-free Internet university,” University of the People. They say they will apply for accreditation as soon as possible. Whether or not they are