There is a discussion of open content in education tonight on the Future of Education. Hope you’ll join us there, but if you can’t make it, a recording will be posted.
Dictionary hits 20% and 5,000 words
Thanks to the hard work of a dedicated group of contributors, the Kids Open Dictionary has hit 5,000 words, marking 20% of our total word list. If you haven’t stopped by and defined a word, give it a try. Your
Vote yes for licensing sanity
Image © Brianna Laugher. CC BY SA. If you qualify (25 or more edits to a Wikimedia site prior to March 15), consider voting by logging in to your favorite Wikimedia site.
Word choices
So apparently the Oxford Junior Dictionary has been making some tough decisions about which words to include and which to drop in its dictionary. Acorn, bray, and canary are out. Attachment, blog, and chatroom are in. (There is a whole
Mozilla in education and an idea for open ed dev
I just listened to Dave Humphrey’s description of Mozilla project there. (This was posed by Mozilla as a model for their involvement in education.) It was very interesting. Here are a few notes: * Seneca College began this project looking