The amount and scope of work that I’ve suggested in the previous posts as being necessary to successfully implement an OER core K-12 curriculum is not trivial. Most OER publishers don’t have a full marketing team, a sales force, implementation
Values and my work: part 2/platforms
As you probably know, I am a big believer in “open.” I also support maximizing inclusiveness and equity. That combination has caused me numerous headaches in terms of platform decisions for online communities as well as with other tools. Over
Open business models, part 3: some options
There are multiple ways an OER core curriculum product could generate revenue streams. One is through some kind of membership model through which states, districts, or other partners participate financially in the project in exchange for product development input, review
Values and my work: part 1
As I’ve gotten older, my values have become more important to me, and they’ve had a bigger influence on my work. For example, I’ve chosen not to do some projects that don’t reflect values that are important with me. On
Open business models, part 2: a price
My main premise for an assortment of forthcoming business models is to position OER core curriculum product package as having a greatly reduced cost as opposed to being “free” and to use the proceeds to fund the work needed to