The culture of K-12 education in America is very staid. It is dominated by hierarchical structures and influenced by powerful lobbies. It is a huge, slow-moving bureaucracy generally not influenced by real student needs. And yet the need for change
About the Open Dictionary
A very short video about the Kids Open Dictionary…a very significant part of my life and a definite labor of love! Hope you’ll check it out and join us. (This video was also my final project for my P2PU marketing
Flexibility in online learning
I’ve been thinking a lot about different structures for adult online learning as the result of a couple projects I’m working on right now, including P2PU. My thoughts are along the lines of increasing participant options in their learning. There
Social media and mktg – Real-world experience
This is a bit of an orphan post — it’s mostly about social media and marketing, but also about conferences, ed tech, professional development, peer learning, and PLNs. While not strictly about open ed, it does pertain to my P2PU
The peer thing
As a part of my working with P2PU, I have thought a lot about the peer aspect of learning and how to facilitate peer learning. Having been a more traditional “teacher” for many years, it requires some restraint on my