This is a guest post from Harry Brake, an Assistant Librarian and Media Specialist at the American School Foundation in Mexico City. Harry participated in two P2PU courses this year. He is also a NaNoWriMo winner for 2011. Spending more
Building online learning environments with open resources
Here’s an article I wrote for OnCUE, CUE’s journal, about building online and blended learning environments using free, open resources. The article itself is open-licensed so feel free to redistribute if you like.
Global Ed Conf…I’ll be there!
The Global Education Conference is a fantastic free, online event going on all this week. On Thursday, Nov. 17 at 11:00am Eastern Standard Time, Anna and Chris Batchelder and I will be presenting a session on the P2PU School of
An idea
I’ve mostly been too consumed with the pilot of the P2PU School of Ed to think much about what comes next, but here are two interesting things that have bubbled to the surface. First, the idea to remix an open
Open-licensed multimedia
Here’s a short presentation on some of the best sources for open-licensed clip art, photos, sound effects, music, and video that I did for our P2PU course on OER in the classroom. [iframe: src=”″ width=”400″ height=”265″ frameborder=”0″ webkitAllowFullScreen allowFullScreen]