If you don’t know about the K12 Online conference, you should! This year’s conference starts today, but you can participate any time. The K12 Online conference is a progressive professional learning opportunity to engage educators worldwide around 21st century learning.
Openness beyond licensing
This Twitter exchange prompted me to write about something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately — openness beyond just open licensing. For a long time, I’ve been feeling that there was something bigger and more interesting about OER and
New curriculum visions – more discussion
I was a part of a thought-provoking discussion about curriculum tonight with Terry Elliot, Paul Allison, and Paul Oh. A big take-away for me had to do with the nexus of power and how we can use our connections with
Visioning new curriculum – my process
As you know, I’m thinking a lot about curriculum and bold new visions as a part of a keynote I’ll be doing for the K12 Online Conference next month. My process has been something like this: think about it talk
New at the P2PU School of Ed
Paul Allison through the NYC Writing Project‘s Youth Voices project has structured a learning game around a series of challenges for ELA, history/social studies, arts and media, and science. These challenges are tied to Common Core standards and competencies including