One of the nice things about doing some organized work on OER and open learning (including some with support from the Hewlett Foundation) is that it prompts me do reflect on my own work and thoughts regularly. As this year
Demand, district adoption, and silver bullets
A few us have been pondering the question “How can we best advance the adoption of OER in K-12?” both online in this document and f2f at the Open Ed 14 conference. As I’ve thought about this, a few conclusions
Open and sharing as a choice
I recently had a short Twitter and blog conversation with someone about OER and the question “Why should all of the time that I spent developing this, be free for others to consume without some form of compensation for my
Passion-driven learning
I am very excited to be convening the Passion-Driven Learning strand of the K12 Online Conference this year. This is an approach I believe deeply in. We have an all-star line up covering vital topics such as genius hour, connected
Kids Maker Day 2014
This year’s local kids maker day is over, and it was a great success. The planned program is shown here. When we hold this annual local event, we never know how many kids will come or what ages they will