I’ve mostly been too consumed with the pilot of the P2PU School of Ed to think much about what comes next, but here are two interesting things that have bubbled to the surface. First, the idea to remix an open
Open-licensed multimedia
Here’s a short presentation on some of the best sources for open-licensed clip art, photos, sound effects, music, and video that I did for our P2PU course on OER in the classroom. [iframe: src=”http://player.vimeo.com/video/31256209?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0″ width=”400″ height=”265″ frameborder=”0″ webkitAllowFullScreen allowFullScreen]
Free, open early literacy passages
FreeReading is a great site for all kinds of early literacy resources. One of my favorite parts is the decodable reading passages. Unfortunately, to date, these have only been available as pdf files. Pdfs are good for printing, but not
I love our writing group!
I love the NaNo Prep group on P2PU. (NaNoWriMo is a project undertaken by thousands each year to write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November.) As I had a hunch it might be, this group is everything
Part 2-Social learning
The strongest participation by far in all of the P2PU School of Ed courses is happening in the discussions. (Fortuitous that we chose this logo graphic, huh? :) There are lots of posts, comments, questions back and forth, etc. Clearly,