Sal Kahn through his Khan Academy has built a tremendous collection of over 1800 open-licensed videos offering instruction in math and science. They cover topics in arithmetic, algebra, geometry, statistics calculus, and more and are licensed under CC BY SA.

However, up until now, the videos have only been available on YouTube. This has posed two problems for educators: 1) YouTube is blocked in most school districts and 2) YouTube’s terms of service prohibits accessing its content through other technologies (e.g. downloading the videos for offline use through other services — I’ll leave the interpretation and debate on this aside for now).

Now, however, the Khan videos are available elsewhere! Curriki has them available as both embeddable and downloadable files. They have also created a group to “organize, extended and build a community of practice around this content.” This is a great opportunity to collaboratively remix this content and add to it. (The videos themselves are mostly narrated chalkboard talks — like most resources, very useful to some students and as much to others. They could however be combined with some other great open math content out there and used to differentiate math instruction. I have an idea myself to to remix some of this into a series of middle school math courses in Moodle.)

Another site has collected the Khan videos for download onto a USB drive or server. (Thanks to Steve O. for this link.)

There are sure to be more creative uses of this great collection of content to come. Let the remixing begin!

Khan Academy math
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