There is a lot of talk in OER circles about discoverability. Much of it deals with metadata schemes and other technical details that may seem arcane to some.
Here’s a real-world story of discoverability.
Over the past couple weeks, I have been looking open materials on sustainable agriculture, permaculture, and food systems. I looked in the usual repositories and found a few things, but not much.
Then today on a phone call, a guy told me about an open textbook he just put out on this subject. “With a Creative Commons license,” he said. Really?!? Wow!
Sometimes we discover things in the most analog ways. (And yes, I’ll be putting this item into the repositories! :)
On discoverability…
I am taking Georgia Online Professional Learning course.
Guess, what is the topic I am exploring? Yup! Open Source Learning.
What is the book you came across about sustainable agriculture?
I received your #CLMOOC postcard. Thanks. I am looking forward to learning with you all.
Best wishes.
Purviben K. Trivedi-Ziemba
Mom, Educator & Learner